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'Learning Legacies: An Analysis of Domestic Homicide Reviews in Cases of Domestic Abuse Suicide', was researched and written by Sarah Dangar (AAFDA), Vanessa E. Munro (Warwick Law School) & Lotte Young Andrade (Warwick Law School), and funded by The Home Office under the Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Research Fund 2021/22.
This study is the first of its kind to undertake a systematic review of DHRs that have been commissioned, completed and published in cases of domestic abuse suicide in England and Wales. Broadly speaking, it aimed to contribute to knowledge across two related areas – first, in respect of learning from within the DHR process about domestic abuse related suicide, and second in respect of learning around the DHR process in this context.
Today the team behind the report launch a series of practical resources to help professionals to better understand the link between domestic abuse and suicide, and to improve the response to suicide after domestic abuse.
Also available to listen to, 'Hearing Their Voices', a podcast with Prof. Vanessa Munro and Sarah Dangar speaking about their research: Hearing Their Voices | Podcast on Spotify
This POLICY BRIEF is designed to help policy makers better understand how we should respond after a domestic abuse related suicide, including:
1. Undertaking robust investigations in the immediate aftermath of death
2. Pursuing post-death charging of perpetrators where appropriate
3. Commissioning Domestic Homicide Reviews on a consistent basis
4. Conducting effective and trauma-informed Domestic Homicide Reviews
5. Providing support and advocacy to bereaved families
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This TOOLKIT summarises key findings from an analysis
of 32 Domestic Homicide Reviews that involved death
by suicide and provides recommendations to those
involved operationally.
It can be used to improve practice at a local and national level, in order to better safeguard victims and ensure that families bereaved by suicide are better supported.
Who is the toolkit for?
1. Services engaging with potential or known victims of domestic abuse
2. Suicide prevention professionals
3. Community Safety Partnership Leads
4. Domestic Homicide Review Chairs and panel members
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Animation: Domestic Abuse Related Suicides
Interested in learning more?
AAFDA provide a full programme of training including the half day session, "DA & Suicide: Research, Risks & Reviews', led by Sarah Dangar.